Day 5 Week 2 of The 30 Day Challenge – Glory to the Booty Workout!

Day 5 Week 2 of The 30 Day Challenge – Glory to the Booty Workout!

Hi Bodyrockers,

We are SMASHING through another week with TWO Rep challenge workouts for you !!

The Facebook pages are going crazy with 100?s of body rockers who after only 2 Weeks now feel healthier, fitter, stronger, leaner and are now leading a healthier lifestyle & eating foods that support their training YAY :)!!! If any of you guys are struggling, lacking motivation or need help with anything PLEASE take advantage of being able to connect personally with Lisa & Sean on their Facebook pages. Sometimes just a simple word of encouragement can make all the difference. They are online to help and they really do love hearing from you. You can reach Lisa hereand Sean here.

All the effort is paying off with the results you are seeing every single day & it’s only going to get better as we move through to week 3.

Please keep posting you results as these help motivate others :). BodyRockers are there for each other so reach out and share the love 🙂

Lets finish off this week with these last 2 workouts before you get two well deserved active rest days. We will be posting some iPhone videos over the weekend so check back in with us 🙂

Enjoy it & Keep Rocking!!!


Workout Breakdown

Time: Rep Challenge
Workout Type: Interval Rep Challenge
Exercises: 1

Get your gear for this workout here:


Lisa’s 600 Rep Workout

Set your BodyRocker interval timer to a stop watch and do the following 6 Exercises as quickly as you can & post your scores below.

100 High Knee Skips

100 Lunge kicks (50 each leg) using the Pink Sandbag

100 High Knee Skips

100 squats using the Pink Sandbag

100 High Knee Skips

25 Straight Abs

25 V Abs Left

25 V Abs Right

25 Bicycle Abs

Seans’s Weighted Workout:

Set your interval timer to a stop watch and set it for 3 minutes and do as many of the following exercises below giving yourself 3 mins for each exercise. 6 minutes in total for both.

Video To Be Posted ASAP.

Bicep Curls using the Pink Sandbag

Bent Over Row using the Pink Sandbag

Make sure you post your time and let us know how you did and share your progress with us on the website and our face book pages :).

If you are just joining us on the 30 Day workout, don’t worry. All you need to do is start with the fit test (below), write down your scores and then join us everyday to make positive steps to change and improve your lifestyle by choosing the right foods that support your training and following the programme that can be found using the link below.

The Fit Test can be found here

The 30 Day Programme – click here for a downloadable version of the schedule.

Make sure you get your scores below 🙂 & join us on Facebook for constant updates !

Want to be part of the community ? Here are our pages so you can connect with us personally & share your food, get constant tips and trick on ways to keep motivated and stay focused :

Lisa-Marie’s page: click here

Sean’s page: click here

Freddy’s page: click here

Make sure and connect with us and leave us your questions, comments and suggestions, we reply as soon as we can :).

Have a Great Weekend. You Earned It !

Freddy, Sean & Lisa-Marie

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